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“An email just landed in my inbox that intrigued me, and I clicked through to the person’s web page. And fell in love with the man’s description of himself, who he is, and what he’s here to do. I felt so invited, inspired, served. May we ALL represent ourselves so beautifully!”
“I just finished listening to your teleclass, and I was deeply moved by your talk. Thank you so much for partnering with us. Your work is a blessing to the world.”
“Robert McDowell’s online workshop on Emily Dickinson was a thrilling and profound experience. He avoided all superficialities and cut straight and deep to the chase with Dickinson’s poems, letters, his own concise and brilliant erudition, and input from many relevant figures.… A beautifully planned, shaped, and conducted learning experience.”
“Robert McDowell is the very spirit of poetry and sumptuous prose. He is a wordsmith and a soul crafter of the highest order and his talks and seminars are veritable temples of magic. If ever he is in your community for a talk or workshop, go!”
“I always remember how special it was to be in your class. I still feel the influence your class had on me—my worldview, my appreciation of others and their feelings and opinions.… Thank you for what you did for me then and for what you do now for the people you work with—your talent and teaching were a gift to me.”
“Poetry exposes me to a different way of experiencing the world. When I read Poetry as Spiritual Practice, I instantly translated the poems into pictures. I can see fields of grain or rain in Autumn. It is fascinating to see all the patterns and rhymes that can be woven into language.”
“A well-guided trip opens new vistas, which you did for me. The session with you gave me perspectives and approaches and provided a rhythm to unknown potentials and made them accessible.”
“My heart is so very full after having the blessed opportunity of attending your teleseminar this evening. How comforting to know that men of your amplitude and sensitivity are cognizant and brimming with the magical means to help pave the way for a more intimate and authentic sacred connection.”
“Bless you, Robert. I have enjoyed your verse, the Reaper Essays, and find your spiritual practice model so acute and helpful. Despite Auden’s injunction, art can make things happen. Getting into the poesis mindset is one of the healthiest practices a human can do.”
“I love the way you put words together, and will indeed, look forward to more of your inspiration, through readings and future workshops. You are so talented, and as I see it, reaching out, is one of your greatest qualities.”
“Robert McDowell prepared an exceptionally interesting class on Emily Dickinson: The Divine Feminine Prophet.… Robert is a fine teacher, poet, and philosopher who has put together a program that offered, to borrow a line from Emily Dickinson: ‘that sublimer lesson, a faith in things unseen, and in a life again, nobler, and much more blessed.’”